Your Platinum Provider Access is Expiring Soon!

Watch the video below to learn what happens next and how to retain access...

Please click the button below to select if you would like to continue OR discontinue on the platinum provider program

Standard Provider vs Platinum Provider

Here is a summary overview that lays out the difference between whats included in our Standard & Platinum Provider Memberships.

Those who do not wish to continue on the Platinum Provider Membership beyond their expiration date will be moved to a Standard Provider Membership.

Standard Provider Access:

  • StemWave® Skool Community

  • Clinical Training Modules

  • Online Help + Support Team

  • Standard Promotional Assets

  • Device Repair Team

Platinum Provider Access:

  • 20% Discount on Consumables (must renew)

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • Platinum Skool Community

  • Weekly Coaching Calls

  • Monthly Training Seminars

  • Business Coaching & Training

  • Marketing Coaching & Training

  • Advanced Clinical Training

  • All Licensed Content

  • Annual Live Event

  • + Standard Provider Access

Platinum Provider Program Pricing

The program is an ANNUAL commitment, meaning you will be retaining access for a minimum of 12 months. You have the option to pay monthly, quarterly or annually.

Monthly Payments


Billed Monthly

Quarterly Payments


Save 6% – Billed Quarterly

Annual Payments


Save 12% – Billed Annually

Please click the button below to select if you would like to continue OR discontinue on the platinum provider program


When does my access expire? How do I retain access?

Those who've had their device for longer than 6 months will have included access to the program until March 1st, 2024. If you've had your device for less than 6 months, your account manager will inform you of when your initial 6 month access to the program – that was purchased with your device order – expires.

In the month that your access expires, your account manager will send contact you as a reminder that you expiration date is approaching. If you would like to continue, or downgrade your membership, you can inform your account manager when they contact you. Those who don't inform their account manager that they would like to CONTINUE access beyond their membership expiration will be removed from the group after their expiration date.

With that said, providers who do not wish to continue, or don't inform their account managers they would like to continue, can sign back up to join the program at any time.

What does it cost to be in the program?

Once your included access to the program expires, the membership fee is $495/month. However, your membership includes a 20% discount on all consumables.

What if I don't wish to continue? What do I lose access to?

No worries! We understand this program isn't for everyone. If you don't wish to continue, you will obtain a Standard Provider Membership (differences shown in the section above).

However, it is important to reiterate the notable things you will lose access to:

1) Dedicated Account Manager – Dedicated account managers will be reserved for those within the Platinum Provider Program. There will be an online support team for those who are Standard Providers.

2) Live Coaching Calls – Access to attend weekly or monthly coaching call will only be available for those on the Platinum Provider Program

3) Marketing Training & Support – This will only be available to Platinum Providers.

If I discontinue, can I rejoin at a later date?

Of course! If you would ever like to regain access to the program, you can reach out to our team at anytime.

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StemWave 2024. All Rights Reserved